So yearly salary system and incentive stock option are the main forms of manager income distribution system. 年薪制和股权期权制是经营者收入分配制度的主要形式。
Research of the Status and Effect of Incentive Mechanism of Stock Option for Listed Companies in China 中国上市公司股权激励现状及实施效果研究
The incentive function of the stock option is long-term, therefore having got in the west extensive application, obtain the widespread approbation. 股票期权制度的激励作用具有长期性,因此在西方已得到了广泛应用,取得了普遍认可。
The corporate leaders 'median salary rise was just 2 per cent but total earnings were boosted by a 70 per cent increase in pay-outs under incentive plans and share option schemes. 企业领导者们的薪水中值只上涨了2%,但他们通过激励计划和股票期权计划获得的收入增长了70%。
The emerging carbon market may provide an additional incentive and agroforestry option to make growing trees a worthwhile investment. 新兴的碳市场会进一步刺激农林复合经营实践的发展,使造林成为有价值的投资选择。
It proposes that this can be improved by means of incentive stock option and reputation, which may result in the accordance of the mutual utility functions. 只有通过期权和声誉激励方式来提高创业投资家的努力水平,才能使其两者目标效用函数趋于一致。
The traditional thoughts of this issue are based on the principle of information content and optimal risk-sharing, but the contemporary view emphasizes interaction between the structure of corporate governance and the incentive effect of stock option. 传统的思路基于信息含量原则和最优风险分担,现代观点则强调公司治理结构与股票期权激励效果之间的互动关系。
The concept, characteristics, types, plan elements, functions and problems of incentive stock option system for managers are introduced and analyzed, and some suggestions to improve the system are made. 讨论了股票期权的概念、特征和方案要素,分析了股票期权激励制度的功能和存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。
This article studied incentive effects of stock option on executives in terms of external economic environment changes of enterprises. 本文结合企业外部经济环境变化,探讨股票期权对经理人的激励效应及其问题。论文首先从股票期权是对经理人的一种长期激励报酬角度,分析了股票期权对经理人的激励效应;
A Research into Incentive of Stock Option 股票期权激励的相关问题探讨
As an effective way of incentive, the stock option payment system has been known to the theoretical and enterprise circles in recent years and begins to be taken on trial in some local enterprises. 股票期权薪酬制度作为一种较有效的激励方式,近几年被我国理论界和企业界所认识,并开始在一些企业进行试点。
The Exploration and Discussion on Incentive Mechanism for Share Option in Listed Company 上市公司股权激励机制的探讨
The sixth chapter investigates the incentive of stock option and the substitute relation of stock option incentives and control power incentives. 第六章研究的是股票期权激励及其对控制权激励的替代。
In recent years, some scholars suggest that incentive mechanism of stock option can be introduced to deal with the problem of stimulating and restricting in state-owned enterprises. 近年来,一些学者纷纷提出运用股票期权激励来解决我国国企经营者的激励约束问题。
This essay starts out with the concept and incentive fruition of stock option and analyses the exploration and practice of it with evidence. 本文从股票期权的概念和激励作用出发,从实证的角度对我国股票期权的探索和实践进行了分析,并提出国有企业应用股票期权推行的困境和对策。
Discussion on Option Incentive System Based on Option Division Reform 基于股权分置改革的股权激励制度分析
The dissimilation of incentive system of stock option and the embezzlement of financial report 论股票期权激励机制异化与舞弊财务报告
Incentive of executive stock option depends on the effectivity of stock market, if the market is weakly effective, there will be little connection between executive payment and corporate performance. 股票期权的激励作用受到股市有效性的很大影响,股市的弱有效性使得经理层股票期权的收益发生扭曲。
In recent years, incentive stock option has arrested greater attention from our state-owned commercial banks and become an important means of incentives. 近年来,激励股票期权在我国商业银行中逐渐被重视,并即将成为重要的激励方式。
As an incentive means, Stock option incentive plan has many functions such as encouraging and retaining employees, raising company cohesion, etc. 作为一种激励手段,股票期权激励计划具有激励员工、保留员工、提高企业凝聚力等多种功能。
, The incentive stock option in U.S. A. 微软放弃股票期权制度是否意味着股票期权激励时代的终结?
Study on incentive stock option of Building Research Institutes 建筑科研院所股权激励研究
A Study of the Issue about Incentive Mechanism of Stock Option for Managers of State-owned Listed Companies 国有上市公司经理人股票期权激励机制问题研究
The Rethinking about the Incentive Model of Stock Option 关于股票期权激励模式的再思考
Therefore, it is significative to regard high-tech enterprise as a special type, carry deep research on its incentive mechanism of stock option and discuss its scheme. 因此,将高新技术企业作为一个特殊的行业类型,对其股票期权激励机制进行深入的研究,探讨其股票期权激励方案,具有非常重要的意义。
Finally, we propose how to improve the validity of Incentive stock option Plan of listed companies and give some policy recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the quality of corporate earnings. 最后本文还就如何提高我国上市公司股权激励计划的有效性并继而提高企业的盈余质量提出了政策建议。
Second, the restricted stock incentive has more incentive effect than stock option incentive now. 第二,股权激励授予后的检验分析表明目前限制性股票激励方式的激励效果大于股票期权激励方式。
The guidelines was implemented in the listed companies in January 1st, 2007.The promulgation of "Share-Based Payment" is a new milestone of guidelines for incentive stock option system in our country. 股份支付准则的颁布是股票期权激励制度在我国实施的一块新的里程碑。
To this end, better understanding of the incentive stock option system, effective implementation of new accounting standards, to protect the smooth implementation of the system, both in theory and in practice there are a lot of work to do. 为此,加深对股票期权会计准则的理解和认识,健康有效的贯彻实施新会计准则,保障准则的顺利推行,无论在理论上还是实践上都有很多工作要做。
Appropriate incentive stock option model will contribute to the equity incentive effects of the play and state-owned listed companies to grow and develop. 合适的股权激励模式选择将有助于股权激励效应的发挥和国有上市公司的发展壮大,且股权激励复合模式不失为国有上市公司的一个较好选择。